OK funny Story. I got a call at work last night around 4:45 pm from a man with a very foreign accent:
Delivery man: "hey i'm trying to deliver you flowers can you come meet me?"
I was completely confused who is sending me flowers is this a joke?
Delivery man: "Meet me outside I'm on 6th and Canal"
(Mind you I'm about 4 blocks away from where this delivery dude wants me to meet him).
Me: "Are you trying to deliver me flowers?"
Delivery man: "Yeah but i'm too busy delivering flowers to deliver yours"
Me: "aren't you a delivery service? TOO busy to deliver my flowers this make no sense!"
Delivery Man: "come meet me outside"
Me: "NO I'm at work and you are suppose to deliver this isn't a hey come meet this strange man outside on a BUSY corner delivery service"
Delivery man: " ok where are you?"
I gave him my address after much explanation on how to deliver the flowers to me.
MIND YOU he had the address!!!!!!!! it was on the card that he got my number from.
this delivery man totally ruined the surprise.
This was from 1-800-flowers that my boyfriend sent me after we got into a fight. Mind you I told him this story and he was pissed. What kind of delivery service asks you to come meet them?
But here are the flowers very very pretty.